Python beginners this is what you are looking for…
Don’t know where to start and are you struggling with python. Let me solve your problem. Keep calm and love programming. I will clear your doubts one by one.
1. Why programming?
Learning programming offers a wide range of benefits, simply enhance your problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
If you are learning programming to get a job in that field, you have to aim it. There are some career path for you
- Computer programming
- Software developing
- Software engineering
- Android / IOS app developing
- Fullstack developing
- Data analysis
- Data science
- Machine learning
- Artificial intelligence
- Cybersecurity
and many more
2. Why python?
If you choose python as your first programming language. 👏 Yes! you are right, well choice. Python is often recommended as a first programming language for beginners due to its simplicity, readability, versatility, and a large and supportive community.
Python career opportunities
- Web developing
- Data science and Data analysis
- ML and AI
- Automation and scripting
- Scientific computing
- Game developing
- Cybersecurity
- Internet of things
- Devops
- Robotics
- Backend developing
3. Dont know where to star?
Begginer level
- Syntax and statements
- Indentifiers
- Lines and indentation
- Comments
- Operators
- Basic data types
- Conditional statements
- Loops and iterations
- Functions
- Built-in functions
- Basic data structures
- File IO
Intermediate level
- RegEx
- Decoraters
- Modules
- Lambda
- Iterator
- OOP concepts
- Data structures and algorithms
- Frameworks
- Libraries
- Package management
- Debugging
- Testing
- Version controls
Python is a general purpose language and it’s helps you to become a successfully developer in you career. You have to biuld simple projects while you are learning. Practice is the key to enhance your skills.Feel free to ask any doubt. Thank you for reading this. Look forward for more about python.